Friday, August 30, 2013

Common Interview Questions

There are several reason why a job interview might not go quite as well as expected. Maybe you didn't dress properly. Maybe you don’t have enough experience. Or maybe you just didn’t provide quality answers to the questions you were asked. Here are a couple of questions that are often asked during job interviews.

1. What do you see as your work weaknesses?

Though it may seem like it, this is not a trick question. There is no need to lie and say you don’t have any weaknesses or that your only weakness is not having any weaknesses. The employer is trying to get a feel for you as a person and would like to know what they would need to help you with if they decide to hire you. Be honest, but not too honest. Give them an answer like "Sometimes my attention to detail causes me to spend more time on tasks than I should." This is a flaw, but there is also a good quality tucked in.

2. Tell me about yourself.

Employers honestly like to know their employees. Maybe you share a hobby or an interest. Answer this question honestly and briefly. Maybe list three attributes of your life that you wouldn’t mind sharing.

For more common interview questions, click here. Also, check out for dozens of articles designed to help you get a job and keep a job.